Complaint details
Provide details of your complaint below.
Supporting documents
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Phone number
Your involvement *
I am the complainant
I represent someone else
Claim reference number
Permission granted to record special requirements?
Permission granted to record special requirements?
Not appropriate
Person providing permission *
Reason not appropriate *
Please select
General vulnerability flag
Substantial public interest
Please select special requirements *
Low knowledge or confidence in managing finances
No or low access to help or support
Poor English language skills
Poor literacy or numeric skills
Poor or non-existent digital skills
Hearing or visual impairment
Low mental capacity or cognitive disability
Mental health condition or disability
Physical disability
Severe or long-term illness
Caring responsibilities
Moving home
Relationship Breakdown
Suicidal threats
Inadequate (outgoings exceed income) or erratic income
Low emotional resilience
Policy number
Policy number 2
Policy number 3
Specialist services
Colour print
Large print
MP4 recording
Please provide details of your complaint below *
Service provider
Escalation reason *
Please select
Complex case
Insufficient time
Redress requested above limit
Other reason
Other escalation reason *
Cause *
Please select
Communication has been reactive
Delay in providing a post-visit report
Failing to deal with points raised
Failure to agree extent of work with homeowner
Lack of clarity about reasons for cash settlement
Lack of clarity around cash settlement offer
Poor communication style
Decision to cash settle vs remedial work
Incorrect policy interpretation / understanding
Incorrect Standards interpretation
Not followed CGM or bulletin updates
Policy ambiguity
Policy expired
Premium/Charges Incorrect
Wrong application of MCV
Wrong application of policy section
Delay in invoking R27
Delay in responding to communications
Failure to carry out policyholder instructions
Inadequate investigation
Lack of pro-active management of builder
Lack of pro-active management of RWC
No response to communications
Not proactively progressing claim
Poor service issues by SRS
Inadequate Initial Assessment
Staff behaviours
Staff professionalism - appointed contractors
Staff professionalism - NHBC
Standard of Repairs
Failed Repair
Inadequate specification of repair work
Repair inadequate to resolve issue
Approved document does not provide guidance
Building Regulations matter not covered under Buildmark
Buildmark matter not covered under Building Regulations
Customer does not understand the role of NHBC
Customer expectations exceed our AI responsibility
Customer expectations exceeds Inspection Service provided
Defects found after completion
Delays in issuing BC Certificate
Delays in responding to communication
Delays issuing Cover Note
Incorrect details / accuracy of data recorded (external)
Incorrect details / accuracy of data recorded (internal)
Information is copyright protected
Lack of understanding of the role of NHBC
Lack of understanding / purpose of warranty
Lack of understanding / Role and remit (BCS)
Mislaid correspondence / Information
NHBC Staff not following the correct procedures
NHBC Staff unaware of internal procedures
NHBC Standards does not provide guidance
Standard of Inspection
Standard of plan checking
Training needs
Unacceptable staff conduct
Unclear or inappropriate advice provided
Same site/multiple policyholders
Other cause *
Outcome *
Please select
Partly upheld
Not upheld
Details of action taken to resolve the issue *
Redress awarded?
Redress awarded?
Rationale for the award of redress *
Authorised by
I will take ownership of the complaint
Assign to *
What would you like us to do to resolve the issue?